此圖來自潘亞網站The photo is from Panya website |
潘亞計劃(Panya Project)是一個樸門教育中心,他們希望可以培育很多樸門的種子在世界各地讓世界變得更美好。
在樸門設計裡的第一步是設定基地目標,潘亞他們設定的目標是”零癈棄物”,所以他們都儘可能也利用這些本來的 “癈棄物”,園區裡設有堆肥廁所(僅大便使用,小便則到處可上順便直接施肥,那裡的地非常貧瘠)、灰水處理系統、廚餘做堆肥及熱水能源或動物餵養、紙類可用來起火或餵養蚯蚓、玻璃類可以拿來做裝飾及建築物門窗或是田窪檔土、塑膠垃圾還是很難處理,縱然他們己經儘可能地重覆使用了,到最後很多都只能暫時理在土裡。
Panya Project is a permaculuture educational center. They like to grow more permaculture seeds all over the world and make the world better.
The first step of permaculture design is to set the purpose. The main design purpose in Panya project is “No Waste”. They have tried their best to use all the “Waste”. Compost toilets (for poo only, pee could be everywhere to fertilize the soil, very sandy there), gray water system, waste foods for compost (that’s also offer biogas, water heater and fertilizer of course) or animals(pigs, chickens, ducks or cats) paper could be used for fire or earthworms, they even use all those glass in making garden and adobe house. But that’s still very difficult for plastic bags even they have tried their best to reuse them.
灰水處理 Gray water system
廚房灰水 Kitchen gray water
After one box to separate water and oil, the gray water from the kitchen goes to the first layer of filter
Some nitrogen endurable plants are necessary since there will be still some fat from the kitchen remained goes to the soil. Let fungi and aerobic microorganism from the soil decompose the fat.
then goes to the 2nd layer. Put a lot of gravel to process aeration.
The 3rd layer A lot of nitrogen endurable plants in the gray water to decompose more..
The 4th layer A lot of nitrogen endurable like Water Hyacinth and water cabbage in the water pond, finish purify the gray water after that the purified water is collected in the pipe and water the kitchen garden.
廚房灰水最後澆灌的廚房菜園The gray water goes to kitchen garden in the end |
Shower rooms set in the fruit forest. And the gray water there will directly go in the fruit forest to fertilize the orchard. They use integral passive solar water heater they made their own (but not available in the night or bad weather) and also hot composting heater for hot water shower.
Composting heater-- the black plastic in the front wrapped hot composting is winded by water plastic hose with normal water inside. The hose will go into that simple shower hut behind to offer hot water.
simple solar heater shower room: This shower building is adobe construction with 4 shower rooms inside. 2 for male and 2 for female. People mostly use this building for shower even the hot water is not so stable like hot composting heater since much more comfortable facility.
廚房用水過濾系統 drinkable water filter system
Rain water filter system for the water they use in the kitchen only. The tank with several pots collect rainwater first and go through other tanks like chacoal, gravel, sand… and in the end there’re totally 4 tanks to store those clean water.
其他儲水系統 Other water system
The water source is from the rain water and underground water, they have to use underground water when they finish the rainwater.
It's very sandy place here and not easy to keep water. That's also difficult to make a pond by nature way. They have tried to use pigs to seal the pond. And it seems quite successful. Only in 3 months (including the rainning season) there’s a poodle already.
Now they could also keep farming in the dry season since they made a reservoir by excavator the hill last year.
煮飯的能源Cooking energy
There’re also biogas(that’s could offer to 1 day for 4 people family one tank) and rocket stove available for cooking with less energy, but people use normal gas stove mostly since it’s much more convenient. As for the earthoven , it's the only way to bake big quantities of bread and been used more often.
earthoven(from panya web)麵包窯 |
堆肥 composting
堆肥廁所 Compost Toilets
As for the compost toilets, we don’t flush with water after poopoo but put sawdust instead. It’s not so much smelling after cover with sawdust. There are totally 4 toilets but only 2 toilets available since other 2 toilets stop using for composting (at least half year). Those fully composted poo will go into old fruit trees in the end.
其他堆肥 Other composting
As for the gardening, they try to use so many ways not only multi-planting but also try Bio-dynamic. For fertilizer, not only use the composting from poopoo and kitchen waste but also the liquid after earthworm composting.
Recycled plastic cabinet could used for keeping earthworms as well.
很多熱堆肥 a lot of hot composting |
Not so much harvesting from fruit forest except banana, pineapples, cassavas, lemon grass. Not enough stable man power here for such a big place, they decided to work intensively and slowly from one small area first and move forward while the area is ready. It becomes better and better.
They host some educational courses like PDC, nature building or spiritual courses to propogate good ideas and also get some income to cover their cost. Many people from all over the world come here to learn or practice permaculture not only through the course but also through volunteering. Even I met people from Australia to learn permaculture and nature building here since it’s too expensive to learn it in their own country.
Volunteers 志工
自助店舖 help yourself shop |
All volunteers will be added to the rota. There are 4 group: cooking Lunch, Dinner, Tidy, Pot Wash. But "Tidy" here is not only for the kitchen but also for the dining room, library &living room.
Every morning we spin the board to decide the rota.
Every morning we spin the board to decide the rota.
As for overall cleaning including kitchen, sala, dormitory,
workshop…… we all do together every Monday morning after meeting.
one volunteer shares yoga(asana) with all volunteer from 6:30in the morning.
Hot drinking water, fruits and instant oats available on the table, everybody line in a que to get food from 8:00AM after the bell ringing.
Ring the bell for 9:00 morning meeting
Do the dishes by this way, it’s fast and save water
共有四盆水,第一盆用肥皂水刷碗,第二盆洗去肥皂水,再經過第三盆與第四盆的清洗,碗就洗好了 Totally 4 washbowls, we brush our dish with soap in the 1st washbowl, rinse those soap away in the 2nd washbowl, after rinse the dish in 3rd and 4th washbowl. It's done. |
Very clear inf on the blackboard about group list, food available in the garden or kitchen , shopping list…..
The food should be used first also needed to be know.
他們與社區資源的連結也很不錯縱然這裡都是外國人,且只有兩位固定的工作人員可以講一點泰語,但也是有一位在地人及她的女兒住在這裡也幫忙做一些串連,在測水測土也有大學提供免費測試,而他們的鄰居盼盼(PunPun)也是可以一起分享研究與互相鼓勵的好伙伴 ,因為他們同樣致力於更美好的社會
Their relationship with the community is also good even though most of them are foreigners and only 2 foreigner staffs could speaks Thai. Actually there’s one thai lady with her daughter lives there could also help with their communication. They have friends in the university to help with checking the water and soil. Their neighbor PunPun is also a very good company with them since they also engage in make the world better.
潘亞的參考基地圖 The map of Panya for reference