DoiChiaang 象山村裡的象山咖啡
此圖來自DoiChiaang網站. the photo is from DoiChianng website |
Doi Chiang village located in ChiangRai Golden Triangle region of Thailand is a A-Kha Tribe village.
過去這裡的居民以種鴉片維生,為了鼓勵轉種減少鴉片的生產及森林的砍伐,於1983年時泰皇給了他們40顆咖啡豆種子,並指示在很多樹下尤其是夏威夷果樹種咖啡,部落的領導人Piko Saedoo就帶領著大家一起配合種很多樹跟咖啡,泰北山上氣侯較涼很適合咖啡生長,且這裡的水質也是非常好,咖啡樹很快地繁延且是品質非常好的咖啡,歷經了咖啡商的剝屑採購及不肖銷貨(如與其他劣質相混後售出),20年之後村民們(咖啡農們)決定來自己賣咖啡,Piko他們的家族們就依此提議創辦了咖啡品牌象山咖啡(Doi Chaang Coffee).
Doi Chaang coffee mark from their websie象山咖啡的商標.此來自於其網站 |
It was an area known for its opium production and trade,
and many grew the cash crop in order to survive and take care of their
families. In 1983,
king Bhumibol Adulyadej gave them 40 Arabica coffee seeds to grow in 1983 and
ask them to grow them under trees especially Macadamias trees to encourage crop substitutions to eliminate opium cultivation and
slash-and-burn horticulture.
The village head Piko Saedoo lead all villagers wok it out and grow a lot of
trees as well. The rich soil, very fresh and clean
spring water and the cooler weather helped the coffee to flourish and
also very good quality coffee beans come out. After 20 years of cultivating and
processing coffee, the farmers grew frustrated selling their high quality beans
for minimal prices to coffee dealers who would blend them with other inferior coffee
beans. Through their own initiative, Piko’s families decided to directly
offer their own organic Arabica coffee and calling themselves Doi Chaang
不久後,他們開始建立出可自立而成功的咖啡加工廠,他們有了自己的咖啡廠房,確保這些好品質的咖啡可以被好好地烘乾加工及儲存,一個在加拿大熱愛咖啡的團體也協助Doi Chaang Coffee推向國際市場,他們以公平交易的方式進行,Doi Chaang Coffee承諾保證提供高檔的有機認證咖啡,而這加拿大團體提供資金、行銷、烘焙並行銷至國際,但Doi Chaang Coffee生產者依然可以在國內進行咖啡銷售,Doi Chaang Coffee生產者他們自己也開了很多門市,除了賣咖啡也賣很多週邊的產品(如夏威夷豆、咖啡袋、咖啡杯…..),甚至今年也開始嚐試經營民宿。
只收象山的有機咖啡櫻桃Only accept those organic coffee cherries from Doi Chang Village |
黃昏後咖啡農排很長的隊賣咖啡櫻桃給象山咖啡,平均一小時收10噸的咖啡櫻桃Afernoon, all those coffee farmers lined in a long que to sale Doi Chaang Coffee. 10 tons of coffee cherries one hour generally. |
處理咖啡櫻桃的工廠 The factory dealing with coffee cherries |
除了咖啡外 ,也有其他的作物可收. Besides coffee, there're other crops harvesting as well. |
挑選咖啡豆 Coffee beans seclection |
挑選咖啡豆需要很多人力 A lot of people are needed to select coffee beans |
The villagers soon established themselves as independent,
successful coffee producers, building their own processing plants, drying
facilities, and storage warehouses. Committed to offering Doi Chaang Coffee as
an exclusive single-estate, certified-organic Arabica, the growers approached a
small Canadian group of coffee enthusiasts to bring Doi Chaang Coffee into the
international market. In recognition of the equal value of their contributions,
the growers and the Canadian group established an equal partnership for the
international distribution of Doi Chaang Coffee. The growers continue to focus
on cultivation, processing and domestic sales, while the Canadian group
provides financing, marketing, roasting and distribution for the international
market. And the growers now also has many shop and café around the Thailand to
sale their own coffee and all related products like Macadamias, something from coffee
sacks,cups….Even they start a guest house this year.
曬咖啡豆也可以是民宿的特色Drying coffee beans could be one of special in the guest house |
To cultivate the coffee
under the canopy of shade trees allows coffee cultivation to expand without any
negative impact on the environment. With clear-cut sections from past crop
productions now being filled with a variety of fruit and nut trees, bushes and
plants, coffee cultivation will expand within the natural setting and continue
to receive the benefits of growing under the protection of a canopy of trees.
The shade, combined with the high altitudes, slows the bean’s growth allowing
the natural sugars to concentrate, providing a more intensely flavored bean.
Along with increased productivity, the cultivation methods will continue to
provide sustainable agriculture as the canopy allows for the cultivation of
various crops which not only provide food, but are also sold to help to support
and diversify the community’s economy.
水質非常好Very good quality water |
很方便的採收工具,很方便地展開及收起 Very convenient harvesting tool with easy to span and close |
森林裡頭的咖啡樹 Coffee trees in the forest |
己經是多年的咖啡樹了 old coffee trees |
森林裡頭的咖啡樹 Coffee trees in the forest |
夏威夷果樹與咖啡Macadamias trees & coffee trees |
This kind of agriculture and business
eliminate opium cultivation and slash-and-burn horticulture. That makes a
diversity and sustainable forest village and raises 8,000 people within eight
hundred families. Now it helped raise the standard of living and self-respect
of the Akha people. Not only the economy self-sufficient, they have a very good
condition to establish a healthy self-reliance system in foods, clothing, accommodation,
medical and education if they want.
草編屋頂 the leaf roof | | |
咖啡渣菜園 coffee waste gardening
The waste from the coffee factory should be proper dealing and use
這裡的人很喜歡用自己的俏像做為公司的商標,DoiChaang Coffee 就是用創辦人
Piko Saedoo的俏像
The villagers here love to use their own picture to be their mark, The mark of DoiChaang Coffee is the picture of the founder Piko Saedoo.
Those pictures are DoiChiaang coffee websie此圖來於象山咖啡網站 |
來到象山村,會發現村民們的咖啡除了交給象山咖啡外,也有自己直接加工銷售,很多都以自己的俏像作為商標再加上象山的咖啡(不是用Doichaang 而是用Doichang),其實象山咖啡自己的咖啡豆也是有部份他們會自己烘培後另外再以別的品牌售出。以象山咖啡他們自己為例,
Piko Saedoo的一個兒子也有自己烘焙部份他們自己的咖啡豆出售,那商標也是以他的照片做出來的。
The farmers in Doi Chang not only sale their coffee cherries to Doichaang Coffee. They might keep some of them to make coffee beans and sale with their own marks and Doichang Coffee instead of Doichaang Coffee. The marks always made from their own pictures. For examples of Doi Chaang coffee itself. One of the Piko Saedoo's sons roasts some of their own beans and sale them as his own mark made from his picture.
Piko Saedoo的大兒子李鴻The photo of piko Saedoo's biggest son |
Piko Saedoo他們家雖己進入現代文明,但依然保留很多自己本來的生活方式,有時會另外建一些現在化的設備另外給客人使用
Piko Saedoo's family still keep their own living style a lot but sometimes construct another morden equipment for the guests.
Piko Saedoo的老婆,雖然現在年紀很大了,但依舊每天去作農事 She is Piko Saedoo's wife. Now she still walks in the farm everyday even in old age. |